
Kathrin Otterstedt Kathrin Otterstedt

„One individual may experience his losing fight with gravity as a sharp pain in the back, another as the unflattering contour of his body, another as constant fatigue, and yet another as an unrelenting threatening environment. Those over forty may call it old age; yet all these signals may be pointing to a single problem so prominent in their own structures and the structures of others that it has been ignored: they are off-balance; they are at war with gravity.”
(Dr. Ida Rolf 1977)

If this quote rings a bell with you, you are right at my place …

To make an appointment please call +49 (0)151 – 59 88 40 90.

In case you want to get to know Rolfing free of charge in an about 20 minutes long trial session, please contact me.

By the way: Rolfing vouchers make excellent gifts.

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The Details

This site additionally has to offer the following:

  • More information about Rolfing® you can find under the link ROLFING® in the head of this page.
  • Details about my practice and the sessions, as well as about me you can get under the links THE PRACTICE and ABOUT ME in the head of this page.
  • How you can contact me and how you can reach the practice is listed under the links CONTACT and ACCESS MAP in the head of this page.

In a Rolfing® session there will be no diagnosis and it does not substitute a possibly necessary medical or psychological treatment. When indicated, talk to your medical practitioner. With the descriptions on the next pages no promise of healing shall be implied. Rolfing® serves as a health care method. Possible improvements of health are positive side effects.
Rolfing: Your body in balance


Rolfing is a holistic treatment method that, individually adapted to every client, in ten sessions works towards putting the whole human body into an as economical as possible position within the gravity field of the earth. During the treatment, the connective tissue, the fascia are influenced, so that these can again effortlessly slide against each other like silk scarves.

Each session pursues a dedicated aim. The first session targets at liberation of respiration, the second session aims at the feet, until at the end of the seventh session all body structures have been worked over once. Three integrative sessions are following: It is determined, which structures need even more freedom, i e. which of the previous sessions was least adopted by the body.

At the end, a body should result that can realize a higher mobility, that can move more economically, and that therefore is effortlessly able to cope with the burdens of everyday life.

Rolfing is suited for all age ranges and is able to help in a wide spectrum of disorders, whose roots lie in the structure, the posture, and the movement of the body. Also clients who „only” want to improve their body awareness and flexibility can benefit strongly. Especially musicians, athletes, dancers, and last but not least office workers report about considerable achievements.

Since Rolfing is body work and no therapy, you should visit your medical practitioner, when you are ill. Some disease patterns exist, where Rolfing may not be exercised, so that certain medical conditions need to be clarified first, before Rolfing sessions may start.

By the way, in case you are wondering about the name Rolfing®: This method is named after its originator Dr. Ida Rolf.

The 10 Rolfing® Sessions

Dr. Ida Rolf devised a series of ten sessions that are still practiced worldwide by Rolfers®. These sessions are set-up systematically, embrace the anatomic logic, and take into account the statics and dynamics of the organism.

The ten sessions follow each other at intervals of about two weeks. During the respective interval the body has time to adapt to the changes triggered and to stabilize the new motion patterns.

Even though it seems that the ten sessions are exactly frozen in their sequence, the body and thus the respective needs of each individual are different. Each human being has a highly individual physique that among other things has adapted to his or her motion habits, experiences, inflammations, and traumata. The body region of each of the sessions is given, but which structures in the region are worked on is specifically adapted to each individual body.

Since during the sessions the body is intensively worked on, it cannot be excluded that a short-term pain arises. If this happens to be the case, please tell me immediately.


The term fascia deviates from the Latin for belt, collar, binding, or connection. It describes the multitude of connective tissues that enwrap and connect all structures of the body. One does not talk about a single fascia, but more about a three-dimensional net that with an immense speed transmits mechanical forces within our body. Fascia tissue allows us to move smoothly, if the diverse layers effortless slide against each other like silk scarves. But immobility, excessive demands on our tissues, inflammation and trauma lead to an increased development of unnecessary connective tissue, which acts like a „felting” of the collagenous fibers, changing the „smooth silk scarves” into „sandpaper”.

The so called matrix plays an important role, too. This denotes the substance that is located between the layers. Within this matrix many cells and fibers are dispersed, as well as sugar-protein-compounds. These are supplying the fascia tissue with the necessary nutrients, water and components, so that these can grow or diminish.

Dr. Ida Rolf

Dr. Ida P. Rolf Dr. Ida P. Rolf, 1896–1979

Dr. Ida P. Rolf was an American biochemist and yoga teacher. She was one of the first to recognize the importance of the fascia for the stability and motion of the human body, and based on her insights developed the concept of Structural Integration (SI), which today is practiced worldwide under the name „Rolfing”. Because of the achievable successes Ida Rolf’s groundbreaking observations have been adopted by many followers, even though these have been scientifically supported only several decades after her death. The method over the years has been refined and adapted to the newest scientific results; nevertheless, it will always stay tied to Ida Rolf’s name.

ScarWork according to Sharon Wheeler

ScarWork Manual work on scar tissue: Gentle, effective and permanent

Scars leave traces on and in our bodies:
Scars usually accompany us throughout our lives and remind us of accidents, operations and injuries. They can be a cosmetic and psychological problem, but they can also limit movement or cause discomfort. Often people don't even realize that the limitations they perceive in their body are caused by a scar. Even a small, inconspicuous scar, e.g. caused by a minimally invasive procedure, can lead to momentous changes in the three-dimensional structures of the body. Itching, tingling, sensations of heat or cold and numbness are also typical consequences.

Hardly anyone knows about the possibility of reintegrating scar tissue into the fascial network through manual work.

The cosmetic effect is pleasing, but the functional changes are remarkable. Normally, the scar tissue reacts immediately and the condition of the tissue improves after only a short time. Constrictions, knots, ridges, hardenings, adhesions, bulges and strands in the tissue of a scar merge back into the three-dimensional fascial network. This process is progressive and improvement is lasting.

ScarWork is not a therapeutic or medical treatment. Please make sure with your doctor that your scar and the surrounding tissue can be worked on, before making an appointment.

The Practice

The practice

My practice is located in Unterhaching near Munich in a quiet side street:
Saeulenstrasse 7A, 2nd floor (see link ACCESS MAP in the head of this page).

Possible session sequences

In principle Rolfing® uses the 10-session series. Nevertheless, it is possible to start with booking the first session, only. After this session you can watch your body and decide, if you observe positive changes and thus want to continue. The same possibility exists again after the third and the seventh session. Interruptions of the series at other places are disadvantageous, since the individual sessions are interlocking like gears and are strongly basing on each other.


For a Rolfing session that lasts between 60 and 90 minutes* I will charge you 140 €.
Children and teenagers receive shorter sessions and have to pay less according to agreement.

*: How long a session exactly lasts is defined by the body: You book the result, not the time.

And something to smile:
With me it will not be like this!

Cartoon: Your connective tissue now is nicely loose!

„Yes, I am quite satisfied with you;
your connective tissue now is nicely loose!”
(Drawing: R. Tantau)

Kathrin Otterstedt

I am a trained …

certified advanced Rolfer®

state-certified physiotherapist

alternative practitioner for physiotherapy

certified manual therapist

About Me

As a physiotherapist, I have always been curious about the functionality of the human body. In many advanced trainings I have attempted to find explanations for what is working why. In my training the connective tissue did not play any role. It was seen as filling material without function that was deemed to be irrelevant …

But my own body – that was bothered by recurring back pain – led me to Rolfing, since physiotherapeutical und osteopathical treatments did not result in long lasting relief. My first session was interesting: The quality of the touch was completely different from what I had experienced before. Nevertheless, it did not create an immediate Wow!-effect. That came only in the evening, when I suddenly noticed, how easy my breathing had become. This has been the priming for me to further study the concept of Rolfing®. What a „treasure chest” opened for me as a therapist when I realized, which chances for influence the connective tissue offers. — Everything is connected to everything: Holistic treatment, away from the purely symptomatic thinking.

I like this idea! I will administer it for the benefit of my fellows and will continue to follow this path.

My Education

2024 Fascia and membrane techniques: Physical trauma
2024 Haptic Touch: Fluidity in Rolfing
2024 Introduction to Scar and Bone Work
2024 The osteopathic treatment of small children
2023 Advanced training Visceral manipulation – Advanced osteopathic treatments
2023 ScarWork (Sharon Wheeler)
2022 Breathing in gravity
2022 Advanced training Visceral manipulation – Viscerals of the pelvis
2020 A manual approach to the brain with Jean-Pierre Barral, part 2
2020 Homework for the client
2020 A manual approach to the brain with Jean-Pierre Barral, part 1
2019 An osteopathic approach to learning and behaviour problems in children & adults
2019 Manipulation of peripheral nerves, part 1 (upper extremities)
2019 Viscero- and neurocranium
2019 Advanced Trauma with Jean-Pierre Barral
2019 Manual thermo diagnostic
2018 Advanced Rolfer® training, parts 1 and 2
2018 Visceral fascia training
2018 Fascia and membrane techniques: Cranium, mandibular joint, neck
2018 Fascia and emotions
2018 Preparation for the Advanced Rolfer® training
2017 Alternative practitioner for physiotherapy
2017 Advanced training Visceral manipulation – The inner pelvis
2017 Advanced training Visceral manipulation – Viscerals of the pelvis
2017 Advanced training Visceral manipulation – Viscerals of the upper stomach – Part 2
2016 Training Manipulation of peripheral nerves
2016 Supervision Rolfing®
2016 Training Visceral manipulation – Viscerals of the thorax
2015 Advanced training Visceral manipulation – Viscerals of the upper stomach – Part 1
2013–2015 Training as Certified Rolfer® in Munich
2012 Advanced training CMD – mandibular joint therapy
2012 Advanced training Atlantean hinge therapy
1997–1999 Certificate Manual therapy
1997 Practical and symptomatic oriented scoliosis treatment, basics
1997 Treatment in the sling table, basics and advanced
1997 Physiotherapy in the hand surgery
1997 Differential diagnostics and treatment of lumbar pain
1996 Feldenkrais method „Self-aware through movement”
1996 Functional anatomy
1996 Functional analysis of the musculoskeletal system, introductory course, basics 1 and 2
1992–1995 Training as state-certified physiotherapist at the medical technical school of the Martin-Luther-University in Halle/Saale

2017: Interview with Tanja Boßmann, editor in charge of pt magazine

Interview 2017

External link to YouTube: Interview 2017.

2016: Interview with Frank Aschoff, editor in charge of pt magazine

Interview 2016

External link to YouTube: Interview 2016.

Access Map

Directions to practice

External link to Google Maps: Directions.

The Rolfing® practice in Unterhaching can easily and quickly be reached from the neighbouring communes Taufkirchen, Ottobrunn and Neubiberg, too.

Using the bicycle

Especially coming from Unterhaching and from the neighbouring communes like Taufkirchen, Ottobrunn and Neubiberg using the bicycle is a good and healthy alternative to using the car. Bicycles can be parked besides the path to the stairs, which lead up to the practice.

Using the S-Bahn
  • Take the S3 to the stop Unterhaching.
  • Only if you come from north:
    • Walk against the driving direction, leave the platform and cross under the S-Bahn trace to the right.
  • Only if you come from south:
    • Walk in the driving direction and leave the platform to the right.
  • Cross Hauptstrasse at the pedestrian light and straight ahead walk Albrecht-Duerer-Strasse until you reach its end, where you cross Biberger Strasse at the pedestrian light.
  • Follow Biberger Strasse left and after the traffic light turn right into Kapellenstrasse.
  • At the end of Kapellenstrasse: Turn right into Saeulenstrasse.
  • Your destination is 15 meters away on the left.
  • Time for the stroll: Approx. 15 minutes.
Using the car
From Munich via A8
  • Leave the A8 at exit 92b–Neubiberg, drive into direction Unterhaching.
  • Turn right into direction Unterhaching.
  • Enter „Unterhaching” and in the roundabout drive straight ahead.
    (Hint: For your car it is better to drive the small detour around the planting in the middle of the circle …)
  • Directly afterwards first left: Enter Kapellenstrasse.
  • At the end of Kapellenstrasse: Turn right into Saeulenstrasse.
  • Your destination is 15 meters away on the left: Park your car.
From the south via A8
  • Leave the A8 at exit 93–Unterhaching Ost, drive into direction Unterhaching.
  • Enter „Unterhaching” and in the roundabout drive straight ahead.
    (Hint: For your car it is better to drive the small detour around the planting in the middle of the circle …)
  • Directly afterwards turn right into Bozaunweg.
  • Follow the main street to the left which changes its name to Von-Stauffenberg-Strasse.
  • At the fourth crossing turn right into Saeulenstrasse.
  • Your destination is 100 meters away on the right: Park your car.


Rolfing® Practice
Kathrin Otterstedt
Saeulenstrasse 7A
82008 Unterhaching
Appointments by arrangement only
Telephone: +49 (0)151 – 59 88 40 90
E-Mail: otterstedt@rolfing-unterhaching.de
Please come in time to your appointment.
Normally, there is no waiting time.